Uncertain time, How To Progress

Hello World Hope you’re doing well and staying safe in this weird times we find are selves in. In a world that seems to have got more confusing every year, how are we supposed to progress in our life’s or careers. Now in 2020 to make lives worse we have COVID-19 and a global pandemic. […]

Uncertain time, How To Progress

In a world that seems to have got more confusing every year, how are we supposed to progress in our life's or careers. Now in 2020 to make lives worse we have COVID-19 and a global pandemic.

In a world that seems to have got more confusing every year, how are we supposed to progress in our life’s or careers. Now in 2020 to make lives worse we have COVID-19 and a global pandemic.

the Start Of Some Thing New

Today probably didn’t start like your normal Saturday, it probably started similar to every day for the last few weeks wondering what’s the future going to look like & what will business be like post COVID-19.

Today probably didn’t start like your normal Saturday, it probably started similar to every day for the last few weeks wondering what’s the future going to look like & what will business be like post COVID-19.


Did you know there are 313M Monthly active users on Twitter, that a lot of users just on one social platform alone in fact 7.476 Billion of the total population use social media daily. Like any business, you’re most likely asking yourself how do my customers use these platforms. Well, the base of any Social […]